Ed and Sherri are members of World Vision's National Leadership Council. This is their story.
Between them, Ed and Sherri Torres have experience serving on dozens of boards, both businesses and nonprofits. So, the couple understands, intimately, the operational side of organizations like World Vision.
But about two years ago, the Torres family purposed to deepen their impact even further. As part of that process, they sought wisdom from the Holy Spirit for the answer to one question, “What is it that You are asking us to do with the limited amount of money that we have to put to work for Your kingdom?”
And then Ed and Sherri pursued the answer with a dogged passion.
Their journey up to that point had led them to another reputable nonprofit doing excellent work meeting the needs of the poor. Before making a significant gift, though, Ed and Sherri took a trip to the field with the organization. In the wake of that experience, the couple sensed that something was missing from the good work being done. After further research, reflection, and prayer, they realized what it was: relational evangelism. Because of the priorities that the Torres family had chosen to guide their giving, they knew that they’d not yet found the right match for them.
When the Torres family had developed their own personal Family Giving Vision, they identified three priorities—reflecting their most cherished values and commitments—that would guide their search for the organization that would be the best match for them. The kind of organization they hoped to support would:
- Meet the needs of the poor and suffering.
- Demonstrate operational excellence as faithful stewards of the resources—both money and people—entrusted to them by God.
- Utilize the organization’s platform to create opportunities for relational evangelism.
These priorities, that Ed and Sherri believe to have been inspired by the Holy Spirit, is what led the Torres family to World Vision.
While Ed was busy doing the lion share of operational and fiscal research into potential ministry partners, the couple’s visit to World Vision’s Every Last One conference in the spring of 2018 is where Sherri’s diligence went in to high gear: meeting people one on one. As Sherri met men and women who were members of the National Leadership Council and more World Vision team members, she recognized excitement in their eyes and fire in their bellies. Sherri also noticed a genuine transparency about the organization and a willingness to dig deeper for answers if the member didn’t have them. For Ed and Sherri, these personal interactions sealed the deal.
Although Ed and Sherri Torres are some of the newest members joining and supporting the mission of World Vision, it is clear to them, and to others, that each step of their journey was ordained by God. You can watch more of their story below.
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