Child Protection


Every child deserves to feel safe.

Every girl and boy is a precious gift from God, and everyone should be protected and feel safe.

Every year, half of the world's children experience some form of violence, and children who live in extreme poverty are often the most at risk. World Vision has over 70 years of experience working with communities, donors, partners, and governments to create opportunities for better futures for vulnerable children, even in the toughest places.
Because of our long-term presence in communities, we understand the unique dangers children face and can build the trust needed to work alongside children, their families, and local leaders to create safer environments for children.

2030 GOAL

Help end child marriage everywhere we work in Kenya and parts of Bangladesh. Protect and empower children and youth in Honduras.

Give to the Child Protection Fund

The need

The need

Worldwide, one in two children experience some form of violence every year — threatening the dignity, rights, potential, and future of girls and boys created in God's image.

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  • Girls are hurt by harmful cultural norms and traditions, including child marriage and early pregnancy. Every year, 12 million girls are married before the age of 18. That's 22 girls every minute.

  • At least 200 million women and girls worldwide have endured female genital mutilation (FGM). That's more than the entire female population of the United States.

  • Criminals make an estimated $150 billion profit every year trafficking victims for sex and labor.
Child Protection

Our response

As a respected global leader in child protection, World Vision offers unparalleled reach, expertise, and influence to help communities become safer places for children. Our approach to ending violence against children protects them today and empowers them for tomorrow.
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We do this by:
  • Empowering children with knowledge of their rights and practical skills to protect themselves and one another.

  • Strengthening families with parenting skills and economic support so they can be the first line of protection for their children.

  • Mobilizing church leaders to leverage their influence in helping change behaviors and end harmful cultural norms and practices.

  • Influencing governments by working with local agencies to improve or implement child protection laws.

Our impact

Sustainable impact comes about when attitudes and behaviors are changed. Our decades of experience in child protection, and the trust brought about by our long-term presence in communities, allows us to address harmful cultural norms that condone and perpetuate exploitation, abuse, and violence. Since issues vary depending on context, we identify solutions by working with families, faith and local leaders, and children.

Because of the generosity of partners like you, every day, 200 children complete life skill training courses facilitated by World Vision. The communication and leadership skills they gain will help them to advocate for themselves and say “no” to child marriage, and “yes” to a future full of opportunity.

With your partnership, see the impact we’re making:

346K people reached

346,601 people, including 144,970 children and youth, have been protected by partnering with families, communities, faith leaders, and governments in FY23 to address the root causes of violence.

60% feel heard
Nearly 60% of adolescents in Kenya reported that their voices have been heard in their communities, more than double the percentage recorded three years ago.
3K at-risk youth reached

In Guatemala, 3,225 at-risk youth received services such as counseling, psychosocial support, and education.

Our Impact

Video gallery

See the people and places whose lives are being transformed in the name of Jesus Christ. Watch videos to learn more about our work.

Our partners

We are blessed to partner with hundreds of Christian philanthropists and couldn’t do this work without them. And we’re able to reach more people because of our highly collaborative local and global partnerships within private and public sectors.

Sandy Grubb

Sandy Grubb

donor partner, Oregon (with her husband, Jeff)

“Through World Vision, I've been so fortunate to witness incredible social progress in Bangladesh, thanks to a generation of advocates fighting for justice and opportunity for children.”

Carla Hillard

Carla Hillard

donor partner, South Dakota (with her husband, Dave)

“World Vision addresses the issues that put children in harms way — from child labor, exploitation, gang violence, child marriage, and other forms of violence that robs them of their childhood.”