NLC World Changers

World Changer Profile: Mary and Vic Jury

Written by Margot Starbuck on Mar 14, 2018 5:49:49 PM

Vic and Mary Jury

Mary and Vic Jury are members of World Vision's National Leadership Council. This is their story.

“What would you do if someone gave you one million dollars?”

That’s the question that Mary Jury’s first-grade teacher posed to a classroom of six-year-olds. Mary’s hand shot up, and when the teacher called on her, she explained, “I’d hire a plane, fill it with food, and feed the poor.”

That impulse had been nurtured at home. Mary had always seen her mother caring for those less fortunate than they were. Their family welcomed a family of five boys when the boys’ mother was hospitalized. They took food regularly to an elderly woman and her son, for years. And at the holidays they’d invite guests without families into their home, including some who’d recently been released from prison.

When Vic was growing up, his mother also encouraged him to be sensitive to the needs and challenges of those who were struggling. In fact, he was raised hearing about the challenges of poverty his parents had faced as children. Both of his parents had lived in West Texas during the Great Depression and, as Vic explains, they were “dirt poor.” At age ten, his father already had three jobs to help support his family.

Mary with children she met in Tanzania

Vic reflects, “I have been convicted repeatedly over the years of my need to be God’s hands and feet and to demonstrate His compassion.” Fortuitously, Vic and Mary’s fruitful careers in businesses they founded—Vic serving as chief executive officer of an electrical supply company and Mary serving as president of a contract furniture and commercial interiors business—have given them the opportunity to give back from what they’ve received.

As World Vision donors, Mary and Vic had been familiar with World Vision’s child sponsorship and emergency response ministries. But when Mary and Vic met Joyce and Earl Godwin at the National Prayer Breakfast, the Godwins invited them to World Vision’s annual National Leadership Council conference to learn more about the work of World Vision. Mary raves, “Vic and I were blown away by World Vision, the people and the work.”

Both Vic and Mary value the efficient use of resources, and faithful stewardship was what they discovered as they became more familiar with the work of World Vision. Vic explains, “I am confident I am fulfilling my duty of stewardship and supporting a ‘continuous improvement culture’ when I provide financial support to World Vision.” Mary, whose gifts of compassion and empathy have always driven her to contribute to a cause greater than herself, is grateful that World Vision is now a vehicle through which she can do that.

In 2016 the couple took a Vision Trip to Tanzania where they were able to see the ministry’s work in action. Mary reflects, “The children we encountered were full of love, joy, and curiosity. Their joy brought me immense joy and was a beautiful reminder of God’s love for all of his children.”

Today Vic and Mary are ensuring that more and more children have the opportunity to experience that love.

If you’re interested in learning more about getting involved with a ministry that’s financially faithful and effective, contact the National Leadership Council helpdesk.