For many of us, COVID-19 has brought new realities that feel nearly impossible to navigate. Simple things we took for granted now feel like distant memories. But for many families at home and worldwide, their new challenges include financial hardships … and hunger.
Yakuta (pictured right), a mother in South Sudan, knows these challenges too well. “I am terrified,” she says. Yakuta doesn’t want her children to be infected with the virus. Nor does she want them to be orphaned.
“I lost my parents at a young age, and I am scared to leave my children behind,” she says. But Yakuta and her husband face an impossible choice.
Their family’s income depends on him traveling to Uganda, riding on a packed bus, to purchase goods to sell in their shop back home. It’s a risky business, but the alternative is to watch their children go hungry.
Before the pandemic, South Sudan was already in a dire state. In 2019, 61% of its population faced life-threatening danger from lack of food. And COVID-19 is making it worse.
Unless we take swift action, the number of people like Yakuta facing food crises worldwide will double due to COVID-19. Already, 110 million children are hungry and suffering because of the devastating economic effects of this global pandemic.
But we believe in miracles. God is at work and calls us to join Him in providing for the poor and oppressed.
Together with partners and donors like you, we are already responding to this crisis and ready to grow our response. Your continuing support has helped:
- 5,762,546 people receive food security assistance
- 1,601,179 receive cash and voucher assistance
In fact, every 60 seconds, World Vision is helping more than 200 people survive, recover, and rebuild from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
Please consider donating today to help families like Yakuta’s. It only costs $76 to provide a family of five with nutritious food for one month. And, your gift will multiply 6X in impact thanks to government grants.
You can help protect children from hunger and the devastating impact of COVID-19.
He is the Maker of heaven and earth. … He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. —Psalm 146:6–7