Economic Empowerment Impact Stories THRIVE Honduras

A Journey to Success

Written by Johnny Lopez on Jan 9, 2019 12:00:00 PM

Gladys picking peppers 

Every morning, Gladys wakes up and runs into the kitchen for breakfast. Her mother, Olga Campos (37) prepares her a healthy meal; Soy milk, green tortillas made out of vegetables, eggs and beans. Gladys who is 4 and half years old looks very healthy and happy. They all live in the community of Santa Ifigenia in Honduras. “Thanks to the recipes I learn from the World Vision project, ‘Common pot’, I saved my daughter’s life,” Olga says very proudly. A few years ago Gladys use to suffer from anemia, she almost died. Her father Jaime Coto use to work at other people’s farm, making a daily income of $6. This was not enough to properly feed his family. “We struggle for a long time with money, my daughter was very sick and it was hard for me to afford Ramon and Ana Julissa, my other 2 children ́s education,” Jamie recalls.  

Life was hard, not only for Olga and Jaime ́s family but for other families in the community. There was a lack of attendance at school, because children were getting sick or their parents couldn’t afford their education. “I remember when World Vision came into the community, they talked with a group of women about a training that was going to improve the children’s health in the community. Specially those children who suffered from malnutrition,” Olga remembers. World Vision taught Olga how to build a small home garden and grow different types of vegetables like tomatoes, onions, bell pepper and soy beans. She learned new recipes to cook and how to feed her family with healthy food. In no time, little Gladys and her family’s health improved; but still they were struggling with money.  

 Gladys helps Jamie and Olga in the garden

Working hard each day in the fields picking up coffee beans or doing other chores, Jaime felt tired. He needed another job where he would take care of his family and supply all their needs. World Vision facilitators came to the community. They were looking for a group of people to be part of the THRIVE program. “I saw this as an opportunity to improve my life and give my children a better future,” he said. Jaime worked hard. He learned about soil management, how to plant and grow diversified crops, how to manage an irrigation system among other training. Not only was Jaime part of this training, his wife Olga decided to be part of the group, being the only woman working along with the men. “I was criticized by other women in the community, they told me this was a man ́s job. I didn’t care because I want to support my husband,“ she says proudly.  

Working together, Olga and Jaime ́s life has changed. Jaime is the President of the group. He owns his own plot, improving his daily income from $6 to $18 a day (Approximately $465 a month), giving his family education, health and a better life. Olga is the leader of a group of women who own a chicken business and sell eggs in the community making a daily profit of $15. “We are very happy that we can give a better future and life to our children, many people in the community have improved their life, thanks to this project,” Olga says. “Our vision for the future, is to invest in the youth, they are the future of this community and by giving them an opportunity, our community will have development,” says Jaime. The community has also changed, children are attending school, their health has improved and men and women are earning better incomes to support their families. “We just want to say thank you to World Vision for changing our lives, transform our community and support our children,” they say with a smile on their faces.