16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is an international campaign to raise awareness and generate action to end violence against women and girls around the world. In its 30th year, the global campaign runs fromNovember 25 through December 10 - purposely betweentwo important International Days —the Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Human Rights Day.Why? To make the symbolic statement that violence against women is a violation of human rights.
Will you join us by raising your voice and using your influence?
One quick yet effective way you take action is by urging Congress to approve the Keeping Women and Girls Safe from the Start bill here.
Learn more about this important bill below.
Above: Members of a youth World Vision Peace Club in a Ugandan refugee settlement go door to door to stand up for their rights as children, especially girls' rights.
The Keeping Women and Girls Safe from the Start Act of 2021
This bipartisan-proposed legislation improves U.S. consideration of programs to prevent and respond to gender-based violence from the onset of humanitarian emergencies, bolstering strategic support for humanitarian actors.
Why? During humanitarian emergencies, violence against women and girls rises dramatically. And it's happening right now in record numbers. Estimates suggest that approximately 1 in 5 refugee or displaced women and girls experience sexual violence.
In 2 - 3 minutes, you can urge your lawmakers to approve this bill.Take action now.
Put on your earbuds, take a walk, and enjoy this replay of a virtual discussion on exploring how to build your living legacy and discovering the impact it will have after you are gone.
Margo Day, previous Microsoft senior level sales leader, world traveler, and Strong Women Strong World Council member, talks with Apriem about how legacy looks different when you incorporate it into your financial plan. Hear her ideas for how to make a difference today - and - for generations to come.
RAISE AWARENESS| Wear your passion on your sleeve—or your hat, your tumbler, your mask, or even on your baby onesie! By popular demand, the Strong Women Strong World™ Shop is now open. Happy shopping.
LEARN MORE | What's the latest on World Vision's progress for girls and women? Watch or listen to the 30-minute briefing call held on October 22nd to get the details and recent impact stories from the field.
SHARE YOUR RESOURCES |Your investment in the Strong Women Strong World™ Fundbetween October 1 and December 31, 2021 will help empower women and girls through World Vision’s Water, Economic Empowerment, and Kenya Big Dream projects. Thank you for your partnership.
World Vision's
Strong Women Strong World™
helps keep girls and women at the center of global community development, advocacy,
and emergency response work. Together, we can continue making a difference
in the lives of women and girls and accelerate communities’ progress out of poverty.
Thank you for your passion, your voice, and your commitment.
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.
In 2020, 88 percent of World Vision's total operating expenses were used for programs that benefit children, families, and communities in need. Learn More.
World Vision, P.O. Box 9716, Federal Way, WA 98063