The theme of World Water Day, "Leaving no one behind - water for all", is about ensuring that marginalized people have access to clean water and that they have a voice in the decision making process that creates the regulations and systems to make clean water a reality for all.
As the largest non-governmental provider of clean water in the developing world, World Vision is reaching one new person with clean water every 10 seconds. We can be the generation to end the global water crisis so that water for all becomes a reality.
Learn more below about how women here are using their passion and influence to be part of bringing clean water to those in extreme poverty so that no one is left behind.
Patricia Heaton on Entertainment Tonight
In case you missed it, check out this great piece on Entertainment Tonight about Patricia's most recent trip to the field with World Vision and the impact of clean water in communities in Rwanda, especially girls and women.
Golf Fore Africa: Give $10, Get 10 Campaign
Golf Fore Africa has launched "Give $10, Get 10" to raise awareness and contribute to helping World Vision provide clean drinking water.
Just give $10 and get 10 friends to do the same! Join this movement here and be a part of ending the global water crisis.
Clean Water Here: Social Media Campaign
The Clean Water Here Foundation, founded by Lani Dolifka, is working with UN Water and World Vision to promote access to safe drinking water by launching a global social-media campaign #CleanWaterHere2019 with a social voice of more than half a billion followers. This year’s supporters include Ryan Seacrest, Angela Bassett, Pitbull, Red Hot Chili Peppers, LL Cool J, Seal, Sharon Osbourne, Cindy Lauper, and many more. To add your voice and learn more go to
Tweet this for World Water Day
Globally women and children spend 200 million hours a day collecting water #WVSheCan #waterforall
Today 844 million people lack access to clean water. We can be the generation to end the global water crisis. #WVSheCan #waterforall