October 2019 - Celebrating International Day of the Girl
You can make a tangible and powerful difference in the life of a girl.
Poverty and abuse rob so many girls of opportunities and choices. But there’s something you can do that will change the trajectory of a girl's life. Let her choose you.
It's been almost a month since children all over the world have been given the chance to choose their sponsors - instead of the other way around - through World Vision's new Chosen™ experience. If you have considered sponsoring a child in the past but haven't, now is a pretty amazing time to do it.
In recognition of International Day of the Girl, we hope to get 1,000 girls sponsored. Between October 11th and 26th, when you sign up to be #chosen by a girl as her sponsor, you’ll put the power to choose in her hands. It takes less than 10 minutes, and you can sign-up right from your mobile device.
Watch Yinka, an attorney from Chicago, as she learns who chose her.
The story of Mary and Yinka: A SHARED AMBITION
"This is a way I can show people across the world that they're loved."
In her condo near downtown Chicago, Olayinka Owolabi sat quietly in prayer. She had recently undergone unexpected surgery. And at age 35, the relationship she thought was heading toward marriage had ended abruptly. Yinka, as most call her, was in a tough season, but she had an unusual message for God.
“God, I want to be used in different ways,” she prayed fervently. “I want to be used.”
Yinka signed up to sponsor a child through World Vision, but there was a twist, she would be chosen by a child in Kenya.
"I am studying very hard to be a lawyer."
In Mwala, a rural community of 40,000 people two hours east of Nairobi, the freedom to choose is an unfamiliar luxury.
Mary’s family struggles to get food and they have to walk three hours round trip to dig in a dry riverbed for dirty water. Sometimes they can’t afford school fees and Mary is sent home.
But Mary loves school, especially English. At school, she learned about lawyers and how they help people solve conflicts. That’s what she wants to do when she grows up. “I am studying very hard to be a lawyer.”
You can also make an impact in the lives of women and girls by investing in the Strong Women Strong World Fund. Every gift matters.
Engage your networks and raise awareness about the issues facing girls around the world. Here are some ideas to get you started:
On this #DayoftheGirl join me in helping to get #1,000Girls sponsored through World Vision's #Chosen experience. Get started at www.worldvision.org/chosen

Poverty and abuse rob so many girls of opportunities and choices. But there’s something we can do that will change the trajectory of a girl's life. Let her choose you. #DayoftheGirl #1000Girls www.worldvision.org/chosen