The Zambia Education Project
Hopeless to Hopeful.
The Zambia Education Project is equipping girls with education and improving how they are valued. Some of the most vulnerable girls are receiving scholarships for safe housing and education.
2,938 people, including 2,153 girls and 785 boys have benefited from the project since it began in November 2016.
With your partnership Strong Women Strong World is supporting World Vision projects around the world that are changing communities through gender equality. Read more in our semi annual report
The Protecting Girls' Access to Education Act

Legislation that can help
The numbers can be overwhelming — over 65 million people in the world have been forced to flee their homes. Half of them are children, and of these children, only 50 percent are enrolled in primary school. Girls out of school are especially vulnerable to early marriage, trafficking, and more. A new bill can make a difference. Contact Congress Today.
Mosquitos are taking lives and keeping children out of school. We can change that.
Fight back against mosquitos. "Sign up or sign in, read the article, and take the quiz. Then I will give a bed net to a family in need through World Vision". - Bill Gates
Through the Gates Notes bed net giveaway, Bill Gates has partnered with World Vision to give away 100,000 bed nets. These nets protect families from mosquitoes that carry deadly diseases, including malaria. Each one is treated with a special insecticide solution that kills mosquitoes but is safe for humans to touch. Read more and save a life today.
SWSW Partner Highlights
The Aspen Invitiational Bike RideSWSW Advisory Council Member, Cari Higgins recently returned from a vision trip to Zambia where she witnessed first hand how a bike can transform a life. Higgins said, "A tool that I used everyday for fitness when it was a privilege, for other people can listerally be life or death." Read more about the Aspen Invitational Bike Ride.
10th Annual Golf Fore Africe East Coast Golf Classic Pro-AmOn July 17th Golf Fore Africa hosted it's 10th Annual East Coast Golf Classic Pro-Am at Plainfield Country Club in Edison, New Jersey. The event hosted 21 foursomes for golf and was followed by a dinner and auction. Over $300,000 was raised due to the generosity of both attendees and LPGA pros. With monies earned over 6,000 Zambians in rural villages will receive clean water for the first time! Learn more about upcoming events.