What an amazing time we had together in New York! Thank you to everyone who joined us in-person and virtually for the 18th Annual Strong Women Strong World Event on December 2nd.
Hosted by Erin Johnson, executive producer of Entertainment Tonight, we enjoyed the beautiful singing of Wé Ani McDonald and a powerful spoken word performance from Gloria Umanah. Then we were immersed in the global hunger crisis through speakers and videos, learning about the harsh realities that exist, especially for women and children. But we also heard how hope is rising as World Vision at work where the needs are greatest and seeking to reach more than 22 million people in 26 countries with the largest global response in our history.
"I am always so impressed by how much I learn at this event, year after year." —Event guest
We heard compelling information from World Vision Emergency Response experts Mark Smith and Kristen Barredo. Kathy Treat, former long-time SWSW Council chair, shared her experiences from the heart. And President and CEO Edgar Sandoval shared his personal reflections and encouraged everyone to help save lives, reduce suffering, and renew hope.
So many people remarked that they "had no idea" how serious the hunger crisis is. And how "important" it was to be informed. It was a heavy and emotional time for many, but "necessary."
Over the holidays, we encourage you to share this amazing program with others who have an open heart and mind to learn about this crisis and how they can help, especially in this season of giving.
May the God of peace bless you and your loved ones this Christmas and in the new year!