A Hidden Crisis
The world is now witnessing the highest levels of human displacement on record. An unprecedented 70.8 million people have been forced from their homes due to armed conflict, violence, and economic upheaval. In crises situations like these, gender inequalities are exacerbated.
Perhaps the most tragic is the marked increase in levels of psychological and emotional abuse, incidences of physical assault, sexual assault, rape, and child marriage. In fact, an estimated 70% of women in crisis situations have experienced one or more types of gender-based violence.
World Vision has joined 84 other global partners in the Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies, a multi-stakeholder initiative launched to fundamentally transform the way gender-based violence is addressed in humanitarian emergencies. While some progress is being made, much more must be done.
3 Quick Ways You Can Take Action
1. Educate yourself. Take 5 minutes to read this brochure, Children and Women Under Attack: Ending Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies. (UNICEF)

2. Raise awareness. Take 1 minute to forward this newsletter to someone else who is unaware of the women and girls face in emergency settings, and/or share this infographic on social media. →→→→→
3. Make your voice heard. Take 3 minutes to tell your representatives in congress that you support Protecting the International Affairs Budget and Humanitarian Assistance. This proposed budget includes a recommended $200 million for the prevention of and response to gender-based violence in both conflict and non-conflict settings.
Together, we did it!
Last month, World Vision issued a challenge to get 1,000 girls sponsored in recognition of International Day of the Girl.
Thanks to the willingness of people all over the country to take action, the goal was more than tripled with 3,386 girls getting sponsors!
Thank you for investing in the future of girls!