Partner spotlight: "This is where God wants me."
A letter from Strong Women Strong World (SWSW) donor partner Robert Bobo
I was raised around some incredible women. I’m talking the kind of women who lived a real-life Steinbeck novel, smuggling confidential papers across Communist lines, evacuating and leaving everything behind in the middle of the night because war broke out. Fearless, hardworking, and determined that their children would have something better — they were strong women making a strong world!
Back in 2022, I found myself in Dallas at World Vision’s Every Last One® conference thanks to an invite by my friend Charity Wallace. It was all new to me, but about an hour into the day’s program I realized: This is where God wants me. And, if they’ll have me, I want to work with Strong Women Strong World!
Just three months later, I was in Zambia with Kathryn Compton, seeing the work firsthand. I was captivated by World Vision’s work with water because I’d spent a good deal of my career in oil and gas. Drilling wells was familiar.
But the transformation of children, women, and entire communities thanks to one water well and World Vision’s comprehensive program, that was a revelation.
Still, it was heartbreaking to see women with fear and desperation in their eyes. But after spending an hour with the SWSW team, those eyes were sparkling with hope and empowerment. That’s a special — and I’d argue critical — connection that only women can make with each other.
And because it’s backed by World Vision’s talented staff of women and men, it’s even more meaningful.
As we mark International Women’s Day on March 8, I honor the women God chose to raise and form me by coming alongside and supporting SWSW and World Vision’s work. As an ally and friend to the women of SWSW who are impacting future generations of girls and women, I know I make them proud.