In focus: Strong Women Strong World™ community in action
In 2012, World Vision’s Strong Women Strong World (SWSW) was established to equip and empower philanthropists to amplify the voices of women and girls.
We are a community committed to mobilizing others to come together to empower women and girls to live life in all its fullness, a connection for women and men worldwide who recognize that gender equality is the key to lasting social change, and a catalyst for change, providing voice and resources to end extreme poverty and gender injustice.
The summer has been ripe with activity for our community. So this month, we're grateful and excited to share just a few stories about the joy and empowerment that comes from taking action for something you believe in.
Aspen, Colorado: "The click."
By Laci Wolff
Climbing up toward the Maroon Bells during my second year participating in the Aspen Invitational 100K road ride, it clicked. I was riding with joy. There’s no other word that perfectly conveys that experience. Joy knowing I could do this challenging ride while experiencing the beauty of the mountains, and joy knowing this effort was helping bring real change to the water crisis in Zambia. I honestly had not known much about it before signing up the previous year.
Laci is a real estate professional in Aspen and a Brake the Cycle board member
I took a sip of cold, clean water and forgot about the cramping in my legs and the burning in my lungs. And though I felt an all-encompassing joy to be a small part of a cause so vast, it was just scratching the surface of my understanding.
There are women and girls who spend the entire day gathering water, often contaminated and unsafe. By harnessing the power of two things I had the privilege to enjoy at that moment, access to a bicycle and clean water, we could help them change their lives as well as the lives of those in their community for generations. Those girls could go to school; they could have more free time to socialize and be kids. The women could have opportunities to participate in other business ventures and be more active in their communities. It clicked for me then. Riding with a purpose meant riding with joy.
As my involvement with Brake the Cycle in Aspen has grown — and through it, the connection to World Vision and SWSW — I find myself revisiting that feeling from the ride, and the cause that brings me back to it every year in July.
I am so excited to continue learning and building relationships with incredible women around the world, hopeful that our shared experience can be one of joy. Next stop: New York City in December!
Chicago, Illinois: "This is what we were made for."
By Jennifer Hackmann
The World Vision Midwest Women’s Group has been meeting virtually for over three years.We have had amazing conversations over questions including:
How do we find our passion?
What does it mean to give generously versus live sacrificially?
How do I create a philanthropic mission statement?
What is the importance of community?
After three years, we decided to meet in person in Chicago for two days. What a gift that was! As we sat in one of the women’s beautiful backyard, we had the opportunity to get to know each other face to face. And it was wonderful! We talked, laughed, shared stories, and enjoyed a meal together.
As the next day unfolded, we enjoyed a morning prayer walk, assembled hygiene kits at the World Vision Storehouse, and had a lovely lunch in downtown Chicago.
Jennifer (left, second row, in black shirt) with the Midwest Women's Group at World Vision's Storehouse in Chicago
We also had a live call with Karen Ramos, Country Director of World Vision's office in Honduras. We continued to make connections through thought-provoking conversations and self-challenging questions like:
How would our children explain the philanthropic work we are passionate about?
Are we really living sacrificially?
It is exciting to see what God has done in the lives of the women in our group, what He is continuing to do, and what He is just beginning to do. I admire these women. I was inspired and encouraged by their faith, their sacrifices, and the gifts God has given them.
On my drive back to St. Louis I was reminded — thisis what we are made for. We are made to reflect the image of God. We are made to love others as God loves us. The works we do are to reflect His beauty. God is good … all the time!
Santa Barbara, California:"Giving transforms the giver."
By Kristie Urich
I just completed my very first 24-hour relay with Team World Vision and Strong Women Strong World, taking turns on teams to run 6-kilometer legs to raise funds to bring clean water to healthcare facilities in Ghana. Working on the technical programming side of international development for many years, I am often in awe of those with the courage to raise funds for this work. It is a worthwhile cause, to be sure, but it challenges my comfort zone to ask people for money.
Kristie is a technical director for World Vision water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programs globally.
I have to say, after the experience staying up for 24 hours — laughing, sharing tears, stories, and many, many steps and cheers — my heart is full and humbled. I got to spend the weekend with 70 of the most passionate and self-sacrificing women I have ever met. These women are a testimony to the fact that people who choose to support organizations like World Vision are such critical partners in the work we do. We, as staff of nonprofit organizations, benefit just as much from knowing and engaging with them as we do from the needed funds that they raise to support this work.
My three biggest takeaways are:
1. Every person has something to bring. “Inclusive” was the word participants kept using to describe the event, and I think inclusivity is critical in all aspects of our work — in programming, staffing, and fundraising.
2. Giving transforms the giver. During the relay, I heard women — including myself — noting how much we were looking forward to a hot shower and enjoying the plentiful water and snacks we had. And in the same breath, realizing what a wonderful privilege it is to have those things. These comforts are not readily available to women and children who walk miles for clean water on a daily basis in many parts of the world.
3. When men embrace and support women’s strength, we're all stronger. Several of the male staff of Team World Vision were there to support the event. I can only imagine how intimidating it must have been to be surrounded by so much estrogen. But when these men gave freely of their energy, service,, and humor (including terrible dad jokes at 3 a.m.), we all felt stronger. There was no need to compete.
So, a huge thanks to Team World Vision, Strong Women Strong World, all of the women who welcomed me as part of the relay, and the men who gave unselfish support. Together, we raised more than $600,000 that will help change tens of thousands of people's lives forever.
Upcoming opportunities to connect
Monday–Wednesday, September 18–20 | 2023 Concordia Annual Summit in New York City
World Vision will be a lead programming partner for the largest forum convening alongside the U.N. General Assembly. Learn more and register here.
Friday, December 1 | Strong Women Strong World Annual Event in New York City
Register and start making your plans now to gather with remarkable women and men from all over the country as we continue learning, building confidence, and taking action on behalf of women and girls in the developing world. Registertoday!
Ways to take action
Raise awareness | Go shopping at our online SWSW store! We still have some of our new items available: the flowy racerback tank top and a super-soft lightweight fleece zip-up jacket!
Use your influence | Ask your elected officials to co-sponsor the Keeping Girls in School Actin both the House and Senate by taking five minutes to fill out this quick and easy online form. Thank you!
Invest in women and girls | Double your impact!Every $1 given to theStrong Women Strong World Fundwill be matched with a $1 donation to programs that empower women and girls, thanks to our generous SWSW partner, Clean Water Here (up to $12 million).
World Vision Strong Women Strong World™
helps keep girls and women at the center of global community development, advocacy,
and emergency response work. Together, we can continue making a difference
in the lives of women and girls and accelerate communities’ progress out of poverty.